‘Sirius’ A poem by: R. O. Zeta for Julian Assange

A poem by: R. O. Zeta

“Privacy for the weak,
Transparency for the powerful!”…
Is what you have advocated
and upheld, to this day.

You said our greatest enemy
is ignorance,
as without knowledge, neither power can be
nor democracy…
So, you used all your strength
to bring light into our darkness,
to draw the curtains aside
take away the masks
in this secretive play
this farce…
called Life!..
becoming in the process
a reflection of your ideals,
a true journalist
serving only the people.

But O Julian! How long and rocky
the road you chose, shall be..?!
In a world built on the wrong foundations,
where the laws of economy are at work
and the wealth is created;
is where the Lies originate…
and the darkness begins.

And there, from behind the deep dark clouds…
where the whirlwind of greed and dishonesty
has reached the apex of politics,
your truth shone through
like the vivid Sun!

So, the guardians of the current world Order
fearful of their great loss,
abruptly united, and set up a ruthless campaign
of threats, persecution, and more lies
to crucify you…
and take away your vigour,
your precious life.

Merely, they were blind to the simple fact
that the Sun’s absence is short-lived…
Dear O Julian!
Thus, we know
Sure as our hearts and souls are…
that tomorrow
when a new world is created,
and greed, competitions and wars
are all but a distant memory;
Your light will sparkle in the vast sky,
like Sirius – the star that you are

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